The Council of Management is headed by a President and is made up of twelve (12) members. They manage the affairs of the Federation.
Ms. Shanica Gilbert
Ms. Shanica GilbertPresident
Real Value IGA Supermarket
Mrs. Cisley Gabriel
Mrs. Cisley GabrielVice-President
The Country Cold Store Ltd
Mrs. Nicola Phillip
Mrs. Nicola PhillipMember
Grenada Co-operative Bank Ltd
Mr. Dorset Cromwell
Mr. Dorset CromwellMember
National Insurance Scheme
Mrs. Meryl Lord-Baptiste
Mrs. Meryl Lord-BaptisteMember
Grenada Teachers' School Supply
Mrs. Lessa Peters
Mrs. Lessa PetersMember
Jonas Browne & Hubbards (G'da) Ltd.
Mrs. Marlena John-Joseph
Mrs. Marlena John-JosephMember
ARIZA Credit Union
Mrs. Jenine Viechweg-Johnson
Mrs. Jenine Viechweg-JohnsonAd.Hoc
FLOW - Columbus Communications
Ms. Ann-Marie Montrose
Ms. Ann-Marie MontroseMember
The Communal Co-operative Credit Union
Mr. Charles Archer
Mr. Charles ArcherAd.Hoc
Rubis West Indies Ltd
Mr. Ron Antoine
Mr. Ron AntoineAd.Hoc
Carib Brewery Grenada Limited


Mr. Allan Bierzynski
Mr. Allan BierzynskiTrustee
Jonas Browne & Hubbard (G'da) Ltd.
Mr. George Bain Snr.
Mr. George Bain Snr.Trustee
Bryden & Minors Ltd.
Mr. Christopher De Allie
Mr. Christopher De AllieTrustee
Sissons Paints (G'da) Ltd.



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